A Tiger in a Zoo MCQ Class 10

The MCQ questions for Class 10 First Flight Poem-2, “A Tiger in a Zoo”.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 First Flight Poem-2 A Tiger in a Zoo

1. What is the main theme of the poem “A Tiger in the Zoo”?
A) The beauty of tigers
B) The power of tigers
C) The pitiful condition of a caged tiger
D) The freedom of wild animals

Ans: C) The pitiful condition of a caged tiger

2. Who is the poet of the poem “A Tiger in the Zoo”?
A) Robert Frost
B) William Wordsworth
C) Leslie Norris
D) Emily Dickinson

Ans: C) Leslie Norris

3. What is the central focus of the poem?
A) The tiger’s beauty
B) The tiger’s anger
C) The tiger’s confinement
D) The tiger’s hunting habits

Ans: C) The tiger’s confinement

4. What does the poet compare the tiger’s paws to?
A) Hard stones
B) Soft velvet
C) Sharp thorns
D) Wooden planks

Ans: B) Soft velvet

5. How does the tiger move in the cage?
A) Noisily
B) Gracefully
C) Awkwardly
D) Quickly

Ans: D) Quickly

6. What is the poet’s opinion about keeping tigers in cages?
A) It is suitable for tigers.
B) It is their natural habitat.
C) It is cruel and unsuitable.
D) It is necessary for their protection.

Ans: C) It is cruel and unsuitable.

7. What does the poet suggest should be the tiger’s habitat?
A) A concrete cell
B) A zoo cage
C) The jungle’s edge
D) A mountain cave

Ans: C) The jungle’s edge

8. How does the poet describe the tiger’s situation in the cage?
A) Happy and content
B) Restless and unhappy
C) Energetic and active
D) Silent and peaceful

Ans: B) Restless and unhappy

9. What is the tiger’s reaction to the visitors?
A) Excitement
B) Indifference
C) Joy
D) Anger

Ans: B) Indifference

10. What does the poet believe has changed the tiger’s personality?
A) The visitors
B) The cage life
C) The zookeepers
D) The food provided

Ans: B) The cage life

11. What is the poet’s attitude toward the tiger’s captivity?
A) Approval
B) Sympathy
C) Indifference
D) Happiness

Ans: B) Sympathy

12. Where does the poet think the tiger should be instead of in a cage?
A) A concrete cell
B) The jungle
C) A mountain cave
D) A city park

Ans: B) The jungle

13. What does the poet suggest the tiger should do near the village?
A) Hide in the grass
B) Terrorize the people
C) Sleep peacefully
D) Hunt for food

Ans: B) Terrorize the people

14. How does the poet describe the tiger’s reaction to the zoo authorities’ cars?
A) He ignores them
B) He roars angrily
C) He tries to escape
D) He hides in his cage

Ans: A) He ignores them

15. What does the tiger do while staring at the shining stars?
A) Sleeps peacefully
B) Roars in anger
C) Shows interest in visitors
D) Reflects its unhappiness

Ans: D) Reflects its unhappiness

16. What moral issue does the poet raise in the poem?
A) The beauty of tigers
B) The cruelty of humans towards animals
C) The need for more zoos
D) The importance of animal conservation

Ans: B) The cruelty of humans towards animals

17. What is the poet’s tone throughout the poem?
A) Joyful
B) Humorous
C) Sympathetic
D) Critical

Ans: C) Sympathetic

18. What is the overall message conveyed by the poet in “A Tiger in the Zoo”?
A) Tigers should be kept in cages.
B) Tigers are dangerous animals.
C) Wild animals should be in their natural habitat.
D) Zoos are good for animals.

Ans: C) Wild animals should be in their natural habitat.

19. What does the tiger’s cage symbolize in the poem?
A) Safety and comfort
B) Freedom and joy
C) Human cruelty and confinement
D) A natural habitat

Ans: C) Human cruelty and confinement

20. What does the poet emphasize about the tiger’s confinement?
A) It’s natural and suitable.
B) It’s necessary for research.
C) It’s cruel and unnatural.
D) It’s a source of entertainment.

Ans: C) It’s cruel and unnatural.

21. What is the poet’s view on the tiger’s silence?
A) It’s a sign of happiness.
B) It’s a sign of contentment.
C) It’s unusual and eerie.
D) It’s a form of communication.

Ans: C) It’s unusual and eerie.

22. How does the poet describe the tiger’s eyes in the last stanza?
A) Closed and peaceful
B) Filled with anger
C) Bright and brilliant
D) Dark and mysterious

Ans: D) Bright and brilliant

23. What is the poet trying to make people realize about the tiger?
A) Its beauty
B) Its power
C) Its unhappiness in captivity
D) Its fearlessness

Ans: C) Its unhappiness in captivity

24. What does the poet believe has been locked behind bars for the tiger?
A) Its strength
B) Its beauty
C) Its food
D) Its visitors

Ans: A) Its strength

25. What does the poet describe the tiger as doing in the cage?
A) Sleeping peacefully
B) Stalking in a limited space
C) Playing with visitors
D) Roaring in anger

Ans: B) Stalking in a limited space

26. How does the poet feel about the sound of the patrolling cars in the zoo?
A) Delighted
B) Indifferent
C) Annoyed
D) Excited

Ans: C) Annoyed

27. What is the poet’s ultimate intention in the poem?
A) To promote zoos
B) To describe the tiger’s habitat
C) To criticize the tiger’s behavior
D) To present a case against animal cruelty

Ans: D) To present a case against animal cruelty

28. What emotion does the poet evoke in the reader regarding the tiger’s captivity?
A) Happiness
B) Sympathy
C) Excitement
D) Indifference

Ans: B) Sympathy

29. What is the significance of the tiger staring at the shining stars?
A) It signifies the tiger’s contentment.
B) It highlights the tiger’s loneliness and captivity.
C) It emphasizes the tiger’s beauty.
D) It symbolizes the tiger’s connection to nature.

Ans: B) It highlights the tiger’s loneliness and captivity.

30. How does the poet want the readers to feel about the treatment of animals in captivity?
A) Supportive
B) Angry
C) Indifferent
D) Sympathetic

Ans: D) Sympathetic

31. What does the poet hope to achieve through this poem?
A) Promote zoos as a safe haven for animals
B) Advocate for more cages for tigers
C) Raise awareness about the plight of caged animals
D) Celebrate the beauty of tigers in captivity

Ans: C) Raise awareness about the plight of caged animals

A Tiger in a Zoo Online MCQ Class 10

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