Control and Coordination MCQ Class 10

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 6: Control and Coordination

Explore your knowledge of Control and Coordination with these multiple-choice questions (MCQs) designed for Class 10 Science students. Test your understanding of topics like the nervous system, hormones, reflexes, and more. Each question is followed by four options, and the correct answers are provided. Use these MCQs to prepare for exams and enhance your grasp of the fundamentals of control and coordination in living organisms.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 6 Control and Coordination with answers

  1. What is the term for the ability of organisms to move certain body parts?
    A) Locomotion
    B) Stimulus
    C) Coordination
    D) Sensation
    Answer: A) Locomotion
  2. Which system controls and coordinates all activities in animals?
    A) Respiratory system
    B) Nervous and endocrine systems
    C) Circulatory system
    D) Digestive system
    Answer: B) Nervous and endocrine systems
  3. What are hormones in animals?
    A) Sensory organs
    B) Motor neurons
    C) Chemical messengers
    D) Blood vessels
    Answer: C) Chemical messengers
  4. Which part of the neuron receives impulses from other neurons?
    A) Axon
    B) Cyton
    C) Dendrites
    D) Soma
    Answer: C) Dendrites
  5. What is the structural and functional unit of the nervous system?
    A) Hormone
    B) Neuron
    C) Cell
    D) Muscle
    Answer: B) Neuron
  6. Which part of the brain is responsible for reasoning, logic, and emotions?
    A) Cerebellum
    B) Pons
    C) Cerebrum
    D) Medulla Oblongata
    Answer: C) Cerebrum
  7. What part of the brain regulates and coordinates body movements and balance?
    A) Cerebrum
    B) Pons
    C) Cerebellum
    D) Medulla Oblongata
    Answer: C) Cerebellum
  8. Which division of the autonomic nervous system prepares the body for intense physical activity?
    A) Sympathetic nervous system
    B) Parasympathetic nervous system
    C) Somatic nervous system
    D) Central nervous system
    Answer: A) Sympathetic nervous system
  9. What is the term for a sudden, involuntary reaction of the body in response to stimuli?
    A) Voluntary action
    B) Involuntary action
    C) Reflex action
    D) Nastic movement
    Answer: C) Reflex action
  10. Which of the following is not one of the layers protecting the CNS?
    A) Cerebrospinal fluid
    B) Meninges
    C) Bony skull (cranium)
    D) Muscles
    Answer: D) Muscles
  11. What hormone causes the ripening of fruits in plants?
    A) Auxin
    B) Cytokinin
    C) Gibberellins
    D) Ethylene
    Answer: D) Ethylene
  12. What type of movement in plants occurs in response to touch?
    A) Phototropic movement
    B) Geotropic movement
    C) Thigmonastic movement
    D) Hydrotropic movement
    Answer: C) Thigmonastic movement
  13. What is the term for the movement of plant parts in response to gravity?
    A) Phototropism
    B) Geotropism
    C) Chemotropism
    D) Thigmotropism
    Answer: B) Geotropism
  14. Which gland is often referred to as the master gland?
    A) Thyroid gland
    B) Adrenal gland
    C) Pituitary gland
    D) Pancreas
    Answer: C) Pituitary gland
  15. Which hormone regulates the metabolism of the body and is produced by the thyroid gland?
    A) Growth hormone
    B) Insulin
    C) Thyroxine
    D) Adrenaline
    Answer: C) Thyroxine
  16. What hormone is produced by the pancreas to lower blood sugar levels?
    A) Insulin
    B) Glucagon
    C) Thyroxine
    D) Adrenaline
    Answer: A) Insulin
  17. Which hormone helps in the flight and fight response and is produced by the adrenal gland?
    A) Insulin
    B) Glucagon
    C) Adrenaline
    D) Thyroxine
    Answer: C) Adrenaline
  18. Which glands are responsible for producing gametes and sexual characteristics in males and females?
    A) Thyroid glands
    B) Adrenal glands
    C) Pituitary glands
    D) Gonads
    Answer: D) Gonads
  19. Which plant movement occurs in response to chemical stimuli?
    A) Phototropism
    B) Geotropism
    C) Chemotropism
    D) Thigmotropism
    Answer: C) Chemotropism
  20. What is the movement of plant parts in response to touch called?
    A) Phototropism
    B) Geotropism
    C) Chemotropism
    D) Thigmotropism
    Answer: D) Thigmotropism
  21. Which endocrine gland is responsible for secreting growth hormone?
    A) Thyroid gland
    B) Adrenal gland
    C) Pituitary gland
    D) Pancreas
    Answer: C) Pituitary gland
  22. What is the primary function of auxin in plants?
    A) Promotes cell division
    B) Delays aging of cells
    C) Inhibits growth
    D) Helps in the growth of plant tissues
    Answer: D) Helps in the growth of plant tissues
  23. Which division of the autonomic nervous system relaxes the body and inhibits high-energy functions?
    A) Sympathetic nervous system
    B) Parasympathetic nervous system
    C) Somatic nervous system
    D) Central nervous system
    Answer: B) Parasympathetic nervous system
  24. What is the term for a hormone that promotes cell division and delays the aging of cells in plants?
    A) Auxin
    B) Cytokinin
    C) Gibberellins
    D) Abscisic acid
    Answer: B) Cytokinin
  25. What is the hormone responsible for inhibiting growth and causing wilting of leaves in plants?
    A) Auxin
    B) Cytokinin
    C) Gibberellins
    D) Abscisic acid
    Answer: D) Abscisic acid
  26. What is the main function of the central nervous system (CNS)?
    A) Regulate blood pressure
    B) Control voluntary actions
    C) Coordinate involuntary movements
    D) Protect the brain
    Answer: B) Control voluntary actions
  27. Which division of the autonomic nervous system prepares the body for intense physical activity?
    A) Sympathetic nervous system
    B) Parasympathetic nervous system
    C) Somatic nervous system
    D) Central nervous system
    Answer: A) Sympathetic nervous system
  28. What is the primary function of gibberellins in plants?
    A) Promotes flowering
    B) Inhibits cell division
    C) Causes wilting of leaves
    D) Delays aging of cells
    Answer: A) Promotes flowering
  29. Which part of the neuron processes the impulse?
    A) Axon
    B) Dendrites
    C) Soma
    D) Cyton
    Answer: C) Soma
  30. Which movement in plants is growth-related and occurs in response to light?
    A) Phototropic movement
    B) Geotropic movement
    C) Hydrotropic movement
    D) Thigmotropic movement
    Answer: A) Phototropic movement
  31. What is the function of the somatic nervous system?
    A) Control involuntary actions
    B) Regulate reflex actions
    C) Control voluntary actions
    D) Coordinate hormonal responses
    Answer: C) Control voluntary actions
  32. Which hormone promotes the germination of seeds in plants?
    A) Auxin
    B) Cytokinin
    C) Gibberellins
    D) Abscisic acid
    Answer: C) Gibberellins
  33. What is the term for the movement of plant parts in response to water or moisture?
    A) Phototropism
    B) Geotropism
    C) Hydrotropism
    D) Chemotropism
    Answer: C) Hydrotropism

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