Keeping quiet MCQ Class 12

“Keeping Quiet,” a poem from MCQ Questions for Class 12 English Flamingo Poem – 2 keeping quiet with Answers.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 English Flamingo Poem – 2 keeping quiet with Answers

  1. What does the poem emphasize the importance of?
    a) Loud communication
    b) External activities
    c) Self-introspection and silence
    d) Social gatherings
  2. According to the poet, how can self-introspection and silence transform an individual’s life?
    a) By making them more talkative
    b) By making them famous
    c) By bringing a feeling of unity and togetherness with others
    d) By causing isolation
  3. How long does the poet suggest it takes for self-introspection?
    a) As long as it takes to count to ten
    b) As long as it takes to count to twenty
    c) As long as it takes to count to twelve
    d) As long as it takes to count to thirty
  4. What should an individual do during the time of introspection?
    a) Talk to others
    b) Keep quiet
    c) Write down their thoughts
    d) Sing loudly
  5. What feeling does silently introspecting give an individual?
    a) Isolation
    b) Unity and togetherness with others
    c) Anxiety
    d) Loneliness
  6. What will be free from annoying sounds and rushing people according to the poet?
    a) Silence
    b) Self-introspection
    c) Moments of unity
    d) Moments of contentment
  7. What will individuals get to experience during this quiet period?
    a) War and destruction
    b) Hatred and enmity
    c) Peace and tranquility
    d) Silence and isolation
  8. What does the poet wish to interrupt through this quiet moment?
    a) Total inactivity
    b) Positive activities
    c) Violent, cruel, and sad activities
    d) Peaceful actions
  9. What does the poet emphasize about activity?
    a) It’s unnecessary
    b) It’s the essence of life
    c) It’s symbolic of death
    d) It’s harmful
  10. Why is a little stillness important, according to the poet?
    a) To promote complete inactivity
    b) To interrupt positive activities
    c) For new and improved activity
    d) To create chaos
  11. How does the poet use the image of the earth in the poem?
    a) To describe the beauty of nature
    b) To suggest that silence leads to death
    c) To illustrate the cycle of life and renewal
    d) To promote inactivity
  12. What does the poet compare the Earth’s silence in winter to?
    a) Death
    b) Spring
    c) Silence and quietness
    d) Destruction
  13. According to the poet, what happens to the Earth in spring?
    a) It becomes dormant
    b) It remains silent
    c) It becomes lively again
    d) It dies
  14. What does the addition of fresh new beauties and colors symbolize in the poem?
    a) Destruction
    b) Renewal and growth
    c) Death
    d) Hatred
  15. What can man resume after a little silence and quietness, as per the poet?
    a) Destructive activities
    b) Isolation
    c) Better activities
    d) Enmity
  16. What does the poet mean by “Keeping Quiet” in the poem?
    a) Being completely silent forever
    b) Pausing for self-introspection and unity
    c) Stopping all activities
    d) Isolating oneself
  17. How does the poet describe the impact of silence and self-introspection?
    a) It creates chaos
    b) It transforms the world into a better place
    c) It promotes isolation
    d) It leads to violence
  18. How can the Earth’s cycle in the poem be related to human life?
    a) It emphasizes the importance of being busy
    b) It suggests that life is always active
    c) It shows that silence and renewal are necessary
    d) It symbolizes destruction
  19. What kind of activity does the poet desire to interrupt for a brief moment?
    a) Positive and helpful activities
    b) Violent, cruel, and sad activities
    c) Peaceful activities
    d) Creative activities
  20. What is the poet’s view on stillness?
    a) It’s unnecessary
    b) It’s symbolic of life
    c) It’s important for new, improved, and useful activity
    d) It leads to chaos
  21. According to the poet, what will individuals experience during this quiet moment?
    a) Unity and togetherness
    b) Isolation and loneliness
    c) Peace and tranquility
    d) Enmity and hatred
  22. How does the poet compare the Earth’s silence in winter to?
    a) Death
    b) Spring
    c) Silence and quietness
    d) Destruction
  23. What does the addition of fresh new beauties and colors symbolize in the poem?
    a) Destruction
    b) Renewal and growth
    c) Death
    d) Hatred
  24. What can man resume after a little silence and quietness, as per the poet?
    a) Destructive activities
    b) Isolation
    c) Better activities
    d) Enmity
  25. What does the poet mean by “Keeping Quiet” in the poem?
    a) Being completely silent forever
    b) Pausing for self-introspection and unity
    c) Stopping all activities
    d) Isolating oneself
  26. How does the poet describe the impact of silence and self-introspection?
    a) It creates chaos
    b) It transforms the world into a better place
    c) It promotes isolation
    d) It leads to violence
  27. How can the Earth’s cycle in the poem be related to human life?
    a) It emphasizes the importance of being busy
    b) It suggests that life is always active
    c) It shows that silence and renewal are necessary
    d) It symbolizes destruction
  28. What kind of activity does the poet desire to interrupt for a brief moment?
    a) Positive and helpful activities
    b) Violent, cruel, and sad activities
    c) Peaceful activities
    d) Creative activities
  29. What is the poet’s view on stillness?
    a) It’s unnecessary
    b) It’s symbolic of life
    c) It’s important for new, improved, and useful activity
    d) It leads to chaos
  30. According to the poem, what is the essence of life?
    a) Silence
    b) Unity
    c) Activity
    d) Isolation
  31. What is the poet’s ultimate wish regarding the impact of silence and introspection?
    a) Complete inactivity
    b) Destruction of the world
    c) Transformation into a better world
    d) Isolation of individuals

Answers to the multiple-choice questions:

  1. c) Self-introspection and silence
  2. c) By bringing a feeling of unity and togetherness with others
  3. c) As long as it takes to count to twelve
  4. b) Keep quiet
  5. b) Unity and togetherness with others
  6. d) Moments of contentment
  7. c) Peace and tranquility
  8. c) Violent, cruel, and sad activities
  9. b) It’s the essence of life
  10. c) For new and improved activity
  11. c) To illustrate the cycle of life and renewal
  12. c) Silence and quietness
  13. c) It becomes lively again
  14. b) Renewal and growth
  15. c) Better activities
  16. b) Pausing for self-introspection and unity
  17. b) It transforms the world into a better place
  18. c) It shows that silence and renewal are necessary
  19. b) Violent, cruel, and sad activities
  20. c) It’s important for new, improved, and useful activity
  21. c) Peace and tranquility
  22. c) Silence and quietness
  23. b) Renewal and growth
  24. c) Better activities
  25. b) Pausing for self-introspection and unity
  26. b) It transforms the world into a better place
  27. c) It shows that silence and renewal are necessary
  28. b) Violent, cruel, and sad activities
  29. c) It’s important for new, improved, and useful activity
  30. c) Activity
  31. c) Transformation into a better world

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