Tenses Class 10 MCQ

Tenses MCQ Class 10

10 multiple-choice questions where you have to identify the tense. The answers are provided at the end.

1. I __________ to the supermarket yesterday.

a) went

b) go

c) will go

d) have gone

2. By this time next year, I __________ my studies.

a) will complete

b) am completing

c) have completed

d) completed

3. They __________ at the party when I arrived.

a) were dancing

b) dance

c) have danced

d) will dance

4. She __________ a book for an hour before she fell asleep.

a) read

b) reads

c) has read

d) will read

5. We __________ dinner when the guests arrived.

a) were preparing

b) prepare

c) have prepared

d) will prepare

6. Jack __________ to the concert last night.

a) went

b) go

c) will go

d) has gone

7. By the time you arrive, I __________ all the arrangements.

a) will make

b) make

c) have made

d) made

8. They __________ to the beach every summer.

a) go

b) goes

c) will go

d) have gone

9. The train __________ by the time we reach the station.

a) will leave

b) leaves

c) has left

d) left

10. She __________ for her exams this whole week.

a) has been studying

b) studies

c) will study

d) studied


1. a) went

2. a) will complete

3. a) were dancing

4. c) has read

5. a) were preparing

6. a) went

7. c) have made

8. a) go

9. c) has left

10. a) has been studying

Here are 10 more multiple-choice questions to identify tenses:

1. I __________ a movie last night.

a) watched

b) watch

c) will watch

d) have watched

2. By the time you arrive, I __________ all the cooking.

a) will finish

b) finish

c) have finished

d) finished

3. They __________ studying for the test since morning.

a) have been

b) are

c) will be

d) were

4. She __________ to the gym three times this week.

a) has gone

b) goes

c) will go

d) went

5. We __________ at the party when the power went out.

a) were dancing

b) dance

c) have danced

d) will dance

6. John __________ a new car next month.

a) will buy

b) buys

c) has bought

d) bought

7. The students __________ their homework yet.

a) haven’t finished

b) didn’t finish

c) won’t finish

d) haven’t been finishing

8. By this time tomorrow, they __________ the project.

a) will complete

b) are completing

c) have completed

d) completed

9. The bus __________ when I reached the stop.

a) had left

b) leaves

c) will leave

d) has left

10. She __________ Spanish for two years.

a) has been studying

b) studies

c) will study

d) studied


1. a) watched

2. c) have finished

3. a) have been

4. a) has gone

5. a) were dancing

6. a) will buy

7. a) haven’t finished

8. a) will complete

9. a) had left

10. a) has been studying

10 more multiple-choice questions to identify tenses:

1. They __________ to the concert last week.

a) went

b) go

c) will go

d) have gone

2. By this time next month, I __________ my new job.

a) will start

b) start

c) have started

d) started

3. We __________ our vacation when it started raining.

a) were enjoying

b) enjoy

c) have enjoyed

d) will enjoy

4. He __________ for his exam since morning.

a) has been studying

b) studies

c) will study

d) studied

5. They __________ the party until late at night.

a) enjoyed

b) enjoy

c) will enjoy

d) have enjoyed


1. a) went

2. a) will start

3. a) were enjoying

4. a) has been studying

5. d) have enjoyed

6. a) will give

7. c) has left

8. a) have read

9. c) have finished

10. d) has lived

10 more multiple-choice questions to identify tenses:

1. I __________ to the concert last night.

a) went

b) go

c) will go

d) have gone

2. By this time next year, she __________ her degree.

a) will have earned

b) earns

c) has earned

d) earned

3. They __________ for hours before they found the solution.

a) had been searching

b) are searching

c) will search

d) searched

4. She __________ the book before she returned it to the library.

a) read

b) reads

c) has read

d) will read

5. We __________ dinner when the phone rang.

a) were having

b) have

c) will have

d) had

6. Jack __________ a new job last month.

a) got

b) get

c) will get

d) has gotten

7. By the time they arrive, we __________ all the preparations.

a) will have completed

b) complete

c) have completed

d) completed

8. They __________ to the beach every summer.

a) go

b) goes

c) will go

d) have gone

9. The plane __________ by the time we reach the airport.

a) will have departed

b) departs

c) has departed

d) departed

10. She __________ since morning to finish the project.

a) has been working

b) works

c) will work

d) worked


1. a) went

2. a) will have earned

3. a) had been searching

4. c) has read

5. a) were having

6. a) got

7. c) have completed

8. a) go

9. a) will have departed

10. a) has been working

10 more multiple-choice questions to identify tenses:

1. They __________ football every weekend.

a) play

b) plays

c) will play

d) have played

2. By this time next month, I __________ my new car.

a) will have bought

b) buy

c) have bought

d) bought

3. We __________ the movie before it started.

a) had watched

b) watch

c) have watched

d) will watch

4. He __________ his homework yesterday.

a) finished

b) finishes

c) will finish

d) has finished

5. They __________ at the beach all day.

a) were relaxing

b) relax

c) have relaxed

d) will relax

6. Sarah __________ her presentation last week.

a) gave

b) gives

c) will give

d) has given

7. The train __________ when we arrived at the station.

a) had left

b) leaves

c) will leave

d) has left

8. I __________ this book several times.

a) have read

b) read

c) will read

d) reads

9. By the time the concert starts, I __________ all the tickets.

a) will have bought

b) buy

c) have bought

d) bought

10. She __________ in New York for five years before moving to Los Angeles.

a) lived

b) lives

c) will live

d) has lived


1. a) play

2. a) will have bought

3. a) had watched

4. a) finished

5. c) have relaxed

6. a) gave

7. d) has left

8. a) have read

9. a) will have bought

10. d) has lived

10 more multiple-choice questions to identify tenses:

1. I __________ to the party last night.

a) went

b) go

c) will go

d) have gone

2. By this time next year, they __________ their new house.

a) will have built

b) build

c) have built

d) built

3. They __________ for the train when it arrived.

a) were waiting

b) wait

c) have waited

d) will wait

4. She __________ a lot of progress in her studies recently.

a) has made

b) makes

c) will make

d) made

5. We __________ to the beach every summer.

a) go

b) goes

c) will go

d) have gone

6. Jack __________ the meeting this morning.

a) attended

b) attend

c) will attend

d) has attended

7. By the time you wake up, I __________ breakfast.

a) will have prepared

b) prepare

c) have prepared

d) prepared

8. They __________ the news already.

a) have heard

b) hear

c) will hear

d) heard

9. The plane __________ by the time we reach the airport.

a) will have taken off

b) takes off

c) has taken off

d) took off

10. She __________ since morning to finish her assignment.

a) has been working

b) works

c) will work

d) worked


1. a) went

2. a) will have built

3. a) were waiting

4. a) has made

5. a) go

6. a) attended

7. a) will have prepared

8. a) have heard

9. a) will have taken off

10. a) has been working

Tenses Online MCQ Class 10

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