Modals Exercises for Class 9

Modals Exercises for Class 9

Modal Verbs Exercise:

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate modal verb (can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would) to complete each sentence.

  1. You __ finish your homework before you go out to play.
  2. She is very talented; she __ easily win the competition.
  3. I __ like a cup of tea, please.
  4. If you study hard, you __ pass the exam.
  5. He __ arrive late if he leaves now.
  6. They __ be at the party tonight.
  7. We __ go to the doctor if the fever persists.
  8. I __ help you with your luggage.
  9. It __ rain later, so take an umbrella with you.
  10. __ you please close the window?


  1. must
  2. could
  3. would
  4. will
  5. might
  6. shall
  7. should
  8. can
  9. may
  10. Will

Modal Verbs Exercise 2:

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate modal verb (can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would) to complete each sentence.

  1. I __ call you later if I have any questions.
  2. You __ be careful while crossing the busy street.
  3. We __ start our journey early to avoid traffic.
  4. She __ not attend the meeting tomorrow due to a prior commitment.
  5. If you need help, I __ assist you with your project.
  6. He __ have the keys to the office; he’s the manager.
  7. Students __ not bring their cellphones to the examination hall.
  8. If you study regularly, you __ improve your English skills.
  9. In an emergency, you __ dial 911 for assistance.
  10. It’s getting late; we __ go home now.


  1. will
  2. should
  3. should
  4. may
  5. can
  6. must
  7. must
  8. will
  9. can
  10. must

Modal Verbs Exercise 3:

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate modal verb (can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would) to complete each sentence.

  1. She said she __ help us with the project.
  2. If you work hard, you __ succeed.
  3. I __ like to go to the movies tonight.
  4. You __ be careful when handling fragile items.
  5. He __ not have the time to attend the meeting tomorrow.
  6. We __ leave early to catch the train.
  7. Students __ not talk during the exam.
  8. If he asks for help, I __ assist him.
  9. It __ rain later, so take an umbrella.
  10. __ you please pass me the salt?


  1. would
  2. can
  3. would
  4. should
  5. may
  6. shall
  7. must
  8. will
  9. might
  10. Could

Multiple-Choice Questions on Modals:

1. Which modal verb is used to express possibility or likelihood?

A) should

B) would

C) can

D) shall

Answer: C) can

2. Which modal verb is often used to make a polite request?

A) will

B) must

C) may

D) could

Answer: D) could

3. What modal verb is used to indicate a strong recommendation or advice?

A) might

B) shall

C) should

D) can

Answer: C) should

4. Which modal verb is used to express obligation or necessity?

A) would

B) may

C) must

D) will

Answer: C) must

5. In which of the following sentences is the modal verb used to express a future possibility?

A) She can play the piano.

B) He should be here by 3 PM.

C) They may go to the beach tomorrow.

D) I must finish this work today.

Answer: C) They may go to the beach tomorrow.

6. Which modal verb is used for making offers or promises?

A) might

B) will

C) shall

D) could

Answer: B) will

7. In the sentence “You shall not pass,” which modal verb is used to indicate a command or prohibition?

A) may

B) shall

C) should

D) can

Answer: B) shall

8. What modal verb is used to express past ability or permission?

A) may

B) could

C) must

D) will

Answer: B) could

9. Which modal verb is used for making polite requests in the present?

A) would

B) should

C) can

D) might

Answer: A) would

10. In the sentence “I will help you with your homework,” which modal verb is used to express a willingness or intention?

A) can

B) should

C) will

D) may

Answer: C) will

Modals Online MCQ Class 9

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